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Writer's pictureDeb

What a Week!

It's been such a busy fun-filled week that I have not had a free moment to post! What a great time we have had rekindling friendships made last year and making new friends.

We were busy laughing with friends and losing at Bingo, learning more important info about our 5th wheel, eating good food, having repairs done on our rig, and spending money haha.

We are from all corners of the US and all have a common bond and that's our RV's and our love for traveling and adventures. It has been very easy accepting one another with those common bonds. Yes there have been some political discussions but I always need this reminder that we are all the same, really. I have enjoyed being with people who share the same RV and I hope we all leave to return to our parts of the country and remember that we are more alike than we are different.

Eddie fixed our door!! So happy!

Love these two! Friends for life!

Had this made! Can't wait to display it.

Our home for a week!

Sure did laugh a lot with these two!

Some good music Thursday night and it wasn't Country, phew! 🤣

Bill Martin! What a guy. He is the VP of the company and gets to listen to all the complaints!

The last night! Hawaiian shirt and potluck dinner night! 600 people!

Same outfits as last year but a little thinner in them!

We decided to stay an extra night but many are leaving today. Tomorrow we leave to continue the adventure! More to come!

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Jun 03, 2023

So happy you are having so much fun !! I wish people would leave politics out of convos , so many more wonderful things to talk about , we don’t need to talk about what divides us. Love those Hawaiian Outfits and yeah they are looser than last year !!!!! looking forward to hearing about your next adventure also the sign is so nice !!😘

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